5 New Year Sex Resolutions for a pleasurable 2023
January marks the start of a fresh new year and like all new beginnings, this tends to result in our enthusiasm for making all kinds of aims and resolutions. We may be aiming for a healthier body, taking part in dry-January, vowing to spend more time with family and friends or looking at a change in career, but did you know that having a pleasurable and satisfying sex-life results in all kinds of physical and mental health benefits. Therefore, if your sex-life needs a ‘tweak’ - here are 5 sex-positive New Year's resolutions to try in 2023…
1. Learn how to feel more comfortable talking about sex
Talking about sex may feel uncomfortable or awkward at first - but opening up the lines of communication around sex can really impact your sex-life (in a good way!). Our wants and needs are forever changing and that includes within our sex-life so being comfortable talking to your partner about our ever-changing sexual needs and fantasies can really boost our sex-life. Not only that, if you have any sexual problems that have been preventing you from having a satisfying sex-life, make one of your 2023 sex-resolutions to bring them into the open. When we keep things to ourselves or try to mask our problems, it can often breed anxiety which can make the problems worse, so having that initial conversation combined with the reassurance that you can work on them together may be enough to get things moving in the right direction…
2. Get to know your body
Do you know what really turns you on? How you like to be touched? What pressure or speed feels most pleasurable? One way to really know what feels good during sex is to spend time getting to know your body. Sometimes, when we’re thrust into the moment of sexual pleasure, we can be too focussed on the end result… the orgasm and we forget to listen to our bodies and take the time to savour every pleasurable moment and build up intimacy with our partner. If self-care is high on your priority list for 2023, perhaps it’s worth adding in solo-sex as part of your sex resolutions and see how much your sex-life improves.
3. Stop thinking that sex has to include intercourse
What does sex mean to you? Often, we have this mindset that when we have sex with our partner, it must always result in intercourse - which can occasionally prevent us from having more orgasms. If we’re feeling tired or have limited time - we may not want to have full-on intercourse with our partner - preferring to experience oral-sex or mutual masturbation instead. Changing the way you think about sex as a sex-resolution can really open up your opportunities to experience more sex… whether it’s a quick hand-job before a lunch-date or oral-sex while watching a movie - you might be pleasantly surprised at how many more orgasms you can fit into your week.
4. Find a new position (or two…)
Do you find yourself always experiencing the same position; namely missionary? And sex is beginning to feel a little tired and chore-like? Maybe this year, one of your new year sex resolutions could be to revamp your sex-life and find new sex-positions that you’ve been longing to try. Whether it’s the cowgirl or the magic bullet - with so many sex-positions available, you’re bound to find one that’s able to hit that sweet spot for a more intense orgasm…
5. Find the right size condom
If you’re not wearing the right-sized condom, sex could feel uncomfortable or even stressful. You might worry that the condom may fall off if it’s too big, or it pinches your penis due to being too small, leaving you in slight discomfort and making orgasms more difficult. This year, measure your penis so you can order the perfect sized-condom for a more satisfying orgasm. With a Mister Size condom, there’s seven different size-condoms available - as we know not every penis is the same size. Find out how to measure your penis here:
You want more ideas for more fun in bed? Discover our 12 ideas for erotic New Year's resolutions from last year.